Measuring the ROI of Adding Branded Interactive Engagements to your Event
The one tried and true way of measuring overall ROI is to take the revenue generated, subtract the costs and divide by those costs to get the percentage. Seems simple enough. To measure the ROI of adding an experiential element to your booth is a bit more tricky and yet can still be determined.
First, as I always mention, start with your goals. What are you hoping to gain by adding an interactive technology? These goals will help to figure out what to compare against at the end of the show.
Positive Brand Engagement—adding an experiential solution increases the connection to your brand. Playing a game, taking a photo, learning about your products through interactive screens, make a lasting impression by reaching them at an emotional level. If someone took the time to interact with your brand and not simply chat with your booth personnel, that person has a higher chance of being a quality lead for you.
Quality of leads—this is not strictly a numbers game. You could get boatloads of names from an event. Even your amazing sales pipeline strategy may not be able to help you if the leads you gather aren’t your target audience. Several high quality leads will be far more beneficial down the road for you than 100 names that do nothing (except skew your analytics when you reach out to them).
Partnership opportunities—it’s not always about finding customers. You chose your specific event for a reason. There will be other companies that are synergistic to yours. You may find there is a company that is similar but not directly competitive to you. Together you can take advantage of each other’s strengths and offer each other something you don’t have. Many times that is much cheaper than developing it for yourself.
Longevity of relationships—also knows as the Lifetime Value of a Customer. Perhaps one deal generates a $10,000 deal but that doesn’t quite cover your show investment (Booth costs alone can be that high). If you deliver for that customer and they keep coming back, you are covering your acquisition cost and then some for years to come.
Brand extension—we are constantly talking and writing about how a brand’s perception can last long after the event. Having something beside a #hashtag that can be shared socially is key can reach a multiple factor of the number of people that came by your booth.
The majority of our clients work with us annually or multiple times throughout the year. We are happy when they come back. It’s a testament to the fact our solutions work and met the goals and solutions they were aiming to achieve.
Learn how Elation Digital Can Help you Reach your ROI goals!
Elation Digital develops a wide variety of interactive brand experiences and event experiential technologies to draw crowds for tradeshows, events and mobile marketing tours including photo & video activations, custom branded games, infotainment, social media, data capture, tracking and reporting. Their solutions are perfect for all budget levels from simple solutions to complete integrated campaigns.